Due to a shortage of doctors, two emergency services had to restrict or even cease their activity in Normandy.
Concern is gaining ground in Normandy, where access to emergencies is difficult. Due to a shortage of doctors, the emergency department of the hospital in Valognes (Manche) was forced to close for eight days. Likewise, the one in l’Aigle (Orne) has been banned from outpatient surgery.
Insufficient staff
“Due to a lack of sufficient medical staff and after having sought all possible alternatives, the management of the Cotentin public hospital in Cherbourg is forced to close the emergency reception service at the Valognes site from Thursday August 6,” a indicated the direction of the hospital center in a press release.
This service includes emergencies and Smur, made up of two teams, themselves made up of a nurse and a doctor. As the newspaper reminds us West France, this service needs to be operational 25 doctors who take turns day and night every day of the week. However, at present, it only has 15 practitioners. In anticipation of the shortage, the services tried to recruit doctors for the summer, to no avail.
In case of emergency, the population is invited to go directly to Cherbourg. Likewise, it is the Smur de Cherbourg which will intervene in the area. This closure was decided for 8 days. After this period, a new examination of the situation will be made.