What to think about when recording
Hospitalization can be very drastic. Good preparation can prevent you from being confronted with surprises. What can you already do at home? What are you taking with you?
You need to make special preparations for certain examinations and operations in the hospital. This means that you may have to be sober. This means that you should not have eaten for several hours before the admission or surgery.
Consultation with hospital
You may also need to remove makeup and nail polish so doctors can see how you are by the color of your skin. You are not supposed to wear a watch or jewelry during an operation. You should also remove any dentures.
Consult with the hospital in advance what applies to you. You may not need to do some things, or there may be extra measures that apply especially to you. If you must be sober, agree on the time from which you can no longer eat.To pack your bags
How much you take with you will of course depend on the time you are in the hospital. You should definitely put the following in your bag:
- Identification document, this can be a passport, driver’s license or proof of identity.
- Name, address and telephone number of a contact person/persons.
- Punch plate or hospital registration card, if you are already registered with the hospital.
- Health insurance card and papers.
- Your medicines in the original packaging, so that doctors can quickly see which medicines you are taking.
- List of drugs you are allergic to.
- Dietary instructions if you are following a diet on medical advice.
- Adequate clothing. So pyjamas, underwear, slippers, a dressing gown and, if you don’t have to lie in bed much, also clothes and socks.
- A plastic bag for the dirty laundry.
- Toiletries, for example toothpaste and toothbrush, comb/brush, shampoo and shower gel, perfume, deodorant, day and night cream, shaving equipment, contact lens solution and case, mirror, nail scissors and file.
- Some money, in most hospitals you can also pin.
- Watch or travel alarm clock, so that you know when to expect the visit.
- Possibly a walker if you have difficulty walking.
What else?
You also pack what you like to have with you. Think about what you would like to do to pass your time. Try to imagine how you will feel during the recording. If you are not feeling well, you are more likely to opt for magazines. But with a broken leg you can still read that spicy book. There are also things you can take with you to make you feel more at home. Also think about your visit. Maybe they want to play games with you or you want to be able to offer them a treat.
Below are some examples of things you can take with you:
- Puzzle book.
- Magazines, books.
- games.
- Cards, stamps and addresses.
- Walkman or mp3 player with your favorite music.
- Mobile phone, this is now also allowed. However, there are often still places where you are not allowed to call, such as close to the Intensive Care Unit. The radiation from your phone may affect the equipment. There are signs in the hospital where this is the case. Make sure that you do not hinder others with your calling behaviour. Turn the ringtone off or on vibrate. Do not call at night and during other rest times.
- Laptop, in some hospitals you can even use wireless internet nowadays.
- Photos from home, your family and/or your pet.
What is not allowed?
It is not wise to take large amounts of money, securities or jewelry with you. The hospital is not liable for any loss.