The health authorities are launching the alert against honey and jellies. These products appearing as “natural” or “aphrodisiac” can cause serious side effects: cerebral edema, renal failure, convulsions, pulmonary hemorrhages, etc.
“Consumers who have purchased are invited not to consume these products and to destroy them”, warn the General Directorate of Competition, Consumption and Fraud Control (DGCCRF), the General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Rights (DGDDI) and the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) .
“Illegal and dangerous” products
The health authorities go much further, since they classify these products “illegal and dangerous”. The targeted honeys, jellies or jams are those of the brand “Black Horse Honey” and “Jaguar Power”. Fortunately, these are not found in supermarkets but rather on social networks or specialized sites.
“Black horse is a powerful aphrodisiac to guarantee you and allow you to regain energy and sexual desire. This aphrodisiac allows you to treat erection problems or even infertility in some cases. It is one of the most widely used aphrodisiac honeys of our customers ”, can we read on the product sheet of honey. Regarding the composition, we can find “A mixture of date palm pollen and tropical forest grasses“, “100% natural“ and not containing “No harmful substances”.
Medicines not mentioned
“In fact, analyzes carried out by the joint laboratory service of the DGCCRF and the DGDDI show that they contain active medicinal substances not mentioned on the labels such as sildenafil or tadalafil (active ingredients of drugs used against erectile dysfunction ) “, indicates the Ansm by means of a press release. In addition, the substances present in honey are formally contraindicated for people suffering from respiratory disorders or cardiac pathologies.
“As such, several poison control centers have listed in recent months numerous reports of serious adverse effects following the consumption of these products, which have caused repeated convulsions, hemorrhages of pulmonary origin, cerebral edemas, or renal insufficiency. major acute cases having, for some, led to hospitalizations “, deplore the health authorities.