Arterial hypertension (HTA) is a silent disease. And yet, taking care of it as soon as possible is very important to avoid complications. How to spot the symptoms? Explanations.
- Arterial hypertension concerns less than 10% of 18-34 year olds against more than 65% after 65 years.
- This disease is the leading cause of preventable stroke.
One in three adults is affected by arterial hypertension (HTA) in France, according to theInserm. This chronic disease, very common in France, can be defined as an abnormally high blood pressure in the blood vessels.
Hypertension: systolic and diastolic pressure
Hypertension can be detected during a consultation with the general practitioner. The latter measures it with a tensiometer. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. The first number corresponds to the systolic pressure, it is equivalent to the maximum pressure, when the heart contracts to empty itself of blood. 80 is the diastolic pressure, which is the minimum when the heart relaxes to fill.
We speak of high blood pressure when these figures exceed 149/90 at the doctor’s office and 135/85 at home. Indeed, in case of suspicion, the doctor often asks the patient to take self-reports at home several times a day for three days to confirm the diagnosis made in the office. The goal is to see if the numbers are high over several days.
The 7 signs to spot high blood pressure
In some people, this disease is silent, this means that the patient with hypertension may not experience any symptoms. In others, the signs are non-specific such as tingling in the extremities, headaches, ringing in the ears, visual disturbances, nosebleeds, fatigue and sweating. Always tell your doctor about your symptoms, even if they seem harmless.
In France, only one in two people with hypertension would be aware of their high blood pressure, according to Inserm. However, if this pathology is not taken care of, it can be a factor risk for cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, neurodegenerative pathologies and problems or even diabetes.
Hypertension: a healthy lifestyle and medication
Several factors can cause high blood pressure. Age first, as patients may develop the condition more as they age. But there is also overweight, physical inactivity, high salt consumption, tobacco or alcohol. Thus, generally, it is possible to curb high blood pressure by respecting certain rules of life such as weight loss, physical activity, reduction of salt intake, alcohol consumption, etc.
Sif these measures do not work, or in addition, drug treatments can be prescribed to patients, generally for life, via taking tablets daily at the time the patient chooses: morning, noon or evening. It is important to follow your treatment once hypertension is diagnosed because the risk of complications can be very dangerous or even fatal.