Swelling of the feet and ankles, feeling of heavy legs, night cramps, tingling: these symptoms of venous insufficiency may not be completely foreign to you? Normal since in France 22 million people are affected by this disease, which evolves chronically. However, according to the Vein Consult survey, a large epidemiological survey on venous disease in France (survey carried out on 33,500 general practitioner patients), although this disease alters the lives of people who suffer from it, one in two patients does not don’t talk to his doctor about it. And when they finally talk about it, the troubles are often already well established.
Venous disease: first consultation at age 47
The warning signs of venous disease are not sufficiently taken into account, so that those concerned do not consult immediately, an attitude reinforced by the received idea that venous disease only affects those over 50 years old. . Thus, according to the Vein Consult study, the average age of the first consultation is 47 years and when the disease is already well established. “However, if it is not adequately taken care of, the venous disease risks evolving over the years and causing complications such as edema or phlebitis .
The conclusion of this investigation is that the venous disease suffers from a lack of consideration of the population: some underestimate it. Others see it as a comfort illness that you don’t need to talk to your doctor about. However, depending on the symptoms and the degree of progression of the disease, solutions exist: venotonic drugs, compression stockings, sclerotherapy… The earlier the treatment, the more we avoid the aggravation of the disease. So if you have swollen legs or cramps at night, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor!