Better late than never to protect your heart! Practicing regular physical activity for 6 years would be enough to reduce the risk ofheart failureeven after 40 years, according to results of a study published in the medical journal Circulation.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins in the United States conducted a study with 11,351 Americans aged 60 on average for 19 years.
The study results showed that the risk of heart failure was reduced by 23% in participants who reached the health recommendations – either 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week. – at the end of the first 6 years of follow-up.
The researchers also observed that decreasing physical activity during this same period of time increased the risk ofheart failure 18% for those who have lowered their activity intensity during these 6 years.
Heart failure affects 1 million French people. The risk factors for this disease arehypertensiona rate of cholesterol high, the diabetesthe tobacco and family history
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