A dialogue of the deaf which penalizes the users and which leads to a flagrant inequality of access to care. Two million French people are equipped with hearing aids while six million people suffer from hearing problems, recalls The Parisian who devotes his A to this device which has become “a luxury product”.
If the prices vary from 300 to 3,000 euros per ear, with an average price of 1,500 euros, the coverage of the health insurance is invariably low. 119 euros to which should be added 350 euros from the mutuals.
In this price battle, the protagonists pass the buck, explains the daily. The audioprosthetists would have organized the shortage of professionals to jealously keep the cake, defends the chairman of the board of Afflelou. Frédéric Poux wants the numerus clausus to be lifted in order to be able to hire professionals in his stores and thus bring competition into play.
This accusation is a “pure fantasy”, retorts the president of the national union of audioprosthetists (Unsaf), in the columns of the Parisian. It is the ministry that regulates the workforce, argues Luis Godinho.
For him, our social security should be modeled on foreign examples. In Germany, equipment for one ear is covered up to 840 euros, 600 euros in Switzerland and 100% in the Nordic countries.
It prevents. The testing carried out by The Parisian reveals that hearing care professionals tend to steer clients’ choices towards the most expensive devices rather than recommending the most suitable ones.
Difficult to hear when we know that the reduction of auditory capacities is one of the first factors of desocialization.
First broadcast: April 11, 2016