Attached to health insurance, the French want reforms to save it. But they do not agree with the radical measures proposed by François Fillon.
Too costly, badly managed, badly controlled and giving rise to too much abuse but at the same time, efficient, fair and egalitarian … For almost all French people, Medicare is a “good system” which must be reformed to guarantee its sustainability, according to a Odoxa survey (1) produced for our colleagues from Parisian / Today in France.
This new opinion poll confirms that the French are attached to Social Security, regardless of their political family. Judged to be much better than the protection systems put in place by our European neighbors, Health Insurance nevertheless seems to be a victim of his generosity. More than 7 out of 10 French people questioned say they are worried about the future of our system. And almost all of those polled fear paying more for their health in the future.
Source: Odoxa survey
A concern that makes nearly 60% of those questioned say that it is important to reform the system in depth. But this “ambivalent, even schizophrenic look” does not mean that the French are ready to implement radical solutions to save Social Security, in particular those mentioned by François Fillon, right-wing candidate for the 2017 presidential election.
Opposed to the program of the right
Thus, the vast majority of people questioned voted for the promotion of outpatient care to reduce hospital expenses (82%), the encouragement of doctors to limit sick leaves (72%) or the development of generic drugs. Half of the respondents are also in favor of adapting reimbursement according to risky behavior. In other words, smokers or people addicted to alcohol could no longer be reimbursed like the rest of the population, or pay more for their social protection. A measure radically opposed to our system based on solidarity.
On the other hand, the French, including right-wing supporters, are against the increase in the payment of costs by mutuals (58%), and overwhelmingly opposed to the sole reimbursement of drugs relating to the most serious diseases or ailments. long-term (89%). Categorical refusals because they are already seeing the disengagement of the State and the increase in their expenditure for the complementary ones. And in fact, they are not wrong. According to calculations by the French Mutual, the 20 billion euros in savings made by François Fillon would entail 300 euros in additional expenses per year and per person, or 1,200 euros in additional health costs for a couple with two children.
Source: Odoxa survey
“The current favorite in the polls will therefore have to reassure on this subject, including his own voters, if he does not want his great popularity resulting from his triumph in the primary to be shattered on this subject”, warns Gaël Sliman, president from the Odoxa polling institute.
(1) Internet survey of 945 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over between December 1 and 2, 2016.