François Fillon has revised his copy on health. He is now advocating for measures such as 100% reimbursement by Social Security for glasses for children.
At the initiative of the Mutualité Française, five contenders for the presidency of the Republic presented their health program on Tuesday. In front of the packed auditorium of the Palais Brongniart (Paris), Emmanuel Macron, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Benoît Hamon, Yannick Jadot and François Fillon lent themselves to the exercise of this great oral. Facing them, three think tanks (Fondapol, Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Terra Nova) then took turns to get the candidates to specify some of their proposals.
But the winner of the Primary from the right was particularly anticipated. Entangled in the Penelope Gate, the deputy for Paris had hit the headlines last year with his desire to create two baskets of care. The first one supported by the Health Insurance was to reimburse the “big risk” (chronic diseases for example).
Beside, François Fillon wanted to entrust the reimbursement of “small risk” (colds for example) to complementary health. A story that now combines with the past since the former Prime Minister has profoundly transformed his ordinance for France. Contacted by FrequencyM, Dr Jean Leonetti, spokesperson for health issues, unveils the new program of his candidate.
Has François Fillon definitely renounced the small risk?
Dr Jean Leonetti : Yes, it is the end of the notion of small and large risk. This term is awkward. It may suggest that there will be a delisting of care. In addition, this term is impossible to define.
Now, we are going to tell complementary health workers that they should no longer be blind payers. We will sit them at the same table as Social Security and health professionals. But at the same time, they will have to accept more responsibilities and more commitments. The first part is that they will not be able to increase their contributions. Second point, we want all children to have glasses reimbursed at 100% from 2017. Finally, we want to arrive at a remaining charge of zero at the end of the five-year term (2022) for the most costly health expenses for households (optics for adults, dental prostheses, hearing aids and excess fees), thanks to a new partnership between Social Security and complementary organizations.
Will hospital staff have to work more without compensation?
Dr Jean Leonetti : No, I even think now that it was never in François Fillon’s project. What we really want is to give hospitals more autonomy and flexibility. I’m sure there are nurses who would rather work 37 hours than have lots of unpaid, unrecovered overtime, as is currently the case in many health facilities.
At that time, within the framework of open negotiations, with responsible social partners, we will be able to develop these elements. François Fillon’s program can be summed up with this formula: more freedom and more responsibilities.
How will François Fillon take over the prevention project?
Dr Jean Leonetti : We must first put prevention back on the agenda. For example, by ensuring that school medicine is effectively a preventive medicine for toddlers. This will also be done by putting the attending physician at the heart of a prevention system. Thus, every two years, all French people will have the right to a longer, more detailed consultation than an average consultation. She will assess all the health risks of the individual. As it will be paid accordingly, it will restore the confidence of liberal professionals while providing effective prevention for all of our fellow citizens.