In an annual report, the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF) notes excessive billing in private clinics.
The invoices presented to patients are heavier than they should be: abusive pricing is in fact practiced in half of the private clinics. In his 2018 report, the DGCCRF reveals the results of a survey it conducted in 209 French establishments. Seven patient associations are calling for measures.
Benefits already reimbursed by Social Security
There are approximately 1,000 private clinics in France. The DGCCRF targeted 209 of them to analyze all the services invoiced to patients between July 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018. It concludes: “the survey identified costs invoiced that did not relate to care services or express requests (‘administrative’ packages for various services: updating of vital card, contact with mutual insurance, taxi calls, etc.)”.
Patients are systematically offered administrative packages in private clinics. All these services are already covered by Health Insurance according to the document and should not be billed to patients. Some services are chargeable but these are only specific requirements requested in writing and which should not correspond to the usual services provided by the establishment.
Fraud already denounced in 2012
Seven patient associations reacted via a communicated, published Wednesday, May 22: CLCV, CSF, Rural Families, FNATH, France Assos Santé, UNAF and France Assos Santé. They indicate that they have already alerted the authorities in 2012 to these abusive billings. According to their information, the National Health Insurance Fund had issued a reminder of the law to establishments. Excessive billing would represent an average of 50,000 euros per year and per clinic.
Surcharged calls, “administrative package” imposed on patients… the DGCCRF reveals widespread fraudulent practices. France Assos Santé and 7 partner associations are asking for sanctions.– France Assos Health (@FAS_National) May 22, 2019
The associations are calling for rapid action in view of the urgency. The DGCCRF indicates that it has favored “the injunction” to force establishments to comply with the law. This means that private clinics are obliged to stop these charges within a specific time frame. A significant number of people could be affected by these overbillings: 5.7 million patients were hospitalized in the private sector in 2017.