Unlike a temporary fall, called effluvium, androgenic (or androgenetic) fall is a persistent fall, which concerns men, as we know, but also 15 to 20% of women, or even more depending on the studies. It is progressive and lasting if we do not stop it. It is localized on specific areas of the skull (top of the head, front or sides). The hair falls out because its life cycle becomes shorter, while the hair that grows back is thinner. This therefore results in a more or less intense refinement of the hair.
The so-called androgenetic fall occurs most often after menopause, because the hormonal climate has changed: estrogens are declining while androgens (male hormones) remain stable. The balance is upset, promoting hair loss. ” It is also believed that hormonal treatments (certain pills, impregnated IUD) can have an influence, as can stress or dietary changes, in particular the greater consumption of products with a high glycemic index, which act on the hormonal system. », Specifies Dr Sylvie Garnier Lyonnet, dermatologist.
Consult a dermatologist
More and more women in their fifties are consulting, most often after menopause. Which suggests that this type of fall is on the increase. ” However, it is more and more frequent to see this type of fall also in young women, from the period following puberty. », Specifies the dermatologist. Corn, “ there is also a genetic ground. This therefore concerns women whose scalp is excessively sensitive to androgenic hormones (male hormones). Lifestyle is also decisive, because we now know that the external environment can act by deregulating certain genes. », Specifies Dr Garnier Lyonnet.
It is necessary to consult a dermatologist quickly. By asking questions and examining the hair, this specialist will eliminate other causes of hair loss (illness, medication, traction loss, etc.) and prescribe an appropriate treatment.
” We must react quickly, within three months ideally, because if we can limit the evolution of the loss, on the other hand once the hair has fallen, it is much more difficult to recover the density that we have lost », Explains the dermatologist. Therefore, the faster the treatment starts, the more hair will be preserved.
The reference treatment is Minoxidil, as for men, at a lower dose. But to be complete “the treatment is based on three targets,” continues the dermatologist. First of all, it is necessary to avoid an aggravation of the androgenic terrain. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be set up in collaboration with the gynecologist, unless there are contraindications. Then it is necessary stimulate regrowth with the morning and evening application of Minoxidil 2% lotion, which will act as a booster. Finally, to improve the field, the daily intake of food supplements provides the essential elements for good formation of new hair.
“You should know from the start that this treatment will last a very long time. The course can be fluctuating, with periods of worsening and lulling of the fall. After two to three years, we can take breaks and see how the hair is developing. », Indicates Sylvie Garnier Lyonnet.
Take good habits
Eat balanced, because deficiencies or deficiencies in vitamins, minerals etc … are harmful for the health of the hair. And then, quit smoking. Studies have indeed proven that smoking has a deleterious effect on the hair follicles, which “produce” the hair. Psychological stress would also have a negative role. Because, it causes the release of androgens, destructive hormones for the hair. And also induces an early catagen phase (phase of degradation of the hair before its fall) and inflammation in the hair follicle. The sun also has a negative effect, as UVA and UVB rays cause apoptosis, which is cell death. In addition, the rays have a direct effect on the hair by lifting their scales.
Don’t be afraid to wash and style your hair … even if hair is falling out. But it is necessary take care of your hair with delicacy and suitable products. So a very gentle shampoo that respects the scalp, a conditioner to detangle the lengths more easily. Avoid anything that can attack the hair and the scalp: repeated brushings and straightening, too hot hair dryer, styling products with alcohol etc …
Shorten them when they fall. A short cut or a bob at the level of the jawbones conceals the lack of volume and density better than long hair. In this way, the fall becomes less spectacular, and therefore less traumatic. It is necessary to avoid, for example, the parting in the middle which reveals the bald head, comb the hair back or on the sides with a barrette if necessary. If the hair is colored, he must choose the least aggressive coloring technique possible (with fewer oxidizing agents), such as tone on tone or even vegetable coloring.
Nourish her hair
– With sulfur amino acids, like cystine, glutamine and arginine which are components of hair. They strengthen them and improve their growth.
– Vitamin B6, important, because it participates in the metabolism of keratin and potentiates the anti-androgenic action of zinc.
– Zinc, because it is necessary for the formation of the hair follicle. It is in fact involved in the formation of keratin, in the synthesis of collagen and in cell division. It is important at the hormonal level, because it has anti-androgenic and anti-oxidant action. A diet rich in oysters, seafood, wheat germ, lean beef, calf’s liver, sesame, cocoa powder improves its intake.
– Iron. An iron deficiency refines the hair and makes it rarer, because it participates in the nutrition and oxygenation of the hair’s reproduction cells. The dermatologist can check, by a simple blood test, if there is no lack.
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