Alopecia, or hair loss leading to baldness, has several causes. Here are the ones.
- Men are more affected by baldness than women.
- The main cause is androgenetic alopecia, due to a genetic predisposition and the action of androgens, sex hormones.
- Every day we lose between 50 and 100 hairs.
25% of men experience baldness before age 65 and 31% after this age, according to a IFOP survey. Among women, the phenomenon is less present: only 2% are affected before age 65 and 3% after.
Alopecia: what causes hair loss and baldness?
Loss of hair – but also of hair, because it can affect the whole body – is called alopecia. The most common cause of baldness is androgenetic alopecia, which results from two factors: a genetic predisposition (the X chromosome, transmitted to men by their mother) and the action of androgens, male sex hormones but which are also present in women.
“In the presence of a favorable genetic background, the hair follicles (sebum and hair production zone) on the top of the skull are particularly sensitive to the action of androgens, and in particular a substance derived from testosterone (DHT). , dihydrotestosterone), explains it Vidal. Under the action of this hormone, the hair growth cycle is accelerated and shortened. The hair becomes finer, less dark and falls out more quickly. The 20 to 25 growth cycles that are supposed to last a lifetime are exhausted in a few years.”
In women, androgenetic alopecia can also be caused by other factors: oral contraceptives, hormonal treatments for menopause, stress or even excess blood cholesterol.
Alopecia: several treatments to limit hair loss and baldness
THE MSD Manual also lists other causes of alopecia: taking certain medications (notably chemotherapy), alopecia areata (a sudden loss of patches of hair without an obvious cause), certain fungal infections (such as ringworm of the scalp), significant trauma, etc.
Damage to hair follicles can also come from traction alopecia, i.e. hair loss due to constant traction, particularly caused by certain hairstyles: braids, curlers, ponytails, etc. .
The treatment of alopecia therefore depends on its cause. But for the most common one, androgenetic alopecia, it There are several treatments to limit its progression. In the event of hair loss, it is best to talk to your doctor who will be able to make the correct diagnosis and offer you the best solution. But don’t worry too much either: every day it is totally normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs.