As with all subjects, children need honest answers to their questions.
With the green light from the HAS (high health authority) for the vaccination campaign for children aged 5 to 11 with the Pfizer vaccine against covid-19, many parents are wondering how to approach this subject.
Start by updating your knowledge
Before you even broach the issue with your child, start by fully understanding what it is about for yourself. Among all the information that circulates, it is best to rely on verified information and to cross-check sources to avoid misinformation.
Take the time to inform him
Your child has most likely already heard a lot of information about Covid-19 and vaccines. Take a quiet moment with him to discuss it, explaining to him in simple words that are understandable for his age that he will have to get a vaccine as he has already had others.
In this age group, he is likely to model his emotional reaction on yours. So try to put your worries aside if you feel any, avoiding telling him about your fears. On the contrary, let him express his emotions through a game or a drawing if necessary.
Answer their questions frankly
Not all children are necessarily worried about a new vaccine. If this is the case or he asks a lot of questions, it is essential to answer him honestly even if you do not know.
Always with a vocabulary accessible to his age, explain to him that vaccines help the body to fight diseases, and in particular Covid-19 so that it can defend itself. Also talk to him about potential side effects such as pain or fever that does not last long.
Finally, you can also tell him about the vaccination campaigns that are already taking place in other countries and the interest of also vaccinating children to prevent the spread of the virus.
What if he is afraid of bites?
If he fears injections in general, you can, for example, rehearse at home what will happen when he goes to his appointment, explaining to him that it will be over very quickly and that he will feel a little pinch quickly, as with other vaccines. If you wish, you can also plan a pleasant surprise to celebrate his vaccination!
Find out more: “Vaccines” by Catherine Dolto, Gallimard youth editions.