Luckily it ends well

Sure, the Skoda should have looked better in its wing mirror. But when we see people driving with their hand on the poker of a vending machine (which is in Drive, not in Manual), we always get a little inclination to play the devil’s advocate. The driver of the Golf GTI should have braked immediately instead of flashing his high beam.
Also read: Read here about insurance and liability when you drive fast on the Autobahn
It seems to the helmsman ashore that this accident could have been avoided fairly easily. After the contact, the Golf driver and the Skoda also create a dangerous situation by almost coming to a standstill on the highway. The GTI driver should know better than anyone that people with a moderate taste in music and a limited vocabulary will drive at 240 km/h. All right, pick your own side and fight it out in the comments.
Golf GTI grazes Skoda at Autobahn speed
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Thanks to Jim for the tip!