The President of the Republic indicated that the generalized third-party payment would only be implemented if a simple payment mechanism is possible for health professionals.
In the soap opera of the generalized third party payment which opposes doctors and government, the practitioners believe that the Ministry of Health has backed down on the flagship measure of the Health bill. A few days ago, Dr Jean-Paul Hamon, president of the Federation of Doctors of France (FMF), indeed reported to the Parisian that “the ministry proposes to add students as well as patients with long-term illness (ALD) to the list of current beneficiaries of the generalized third-party payment. “One way, according to the central union, to extend the device without generalizing it. And this Thursday, it is François Hollande who retreats on this file. Explanations.
A common platform for mutuals
During his press conference at the Elysee Palace, the President of the Republic announced that “third-party payment will not be[it] implemented only if a simple mechanism is found for health professionals ”. A more decided position than during his intervention on France Inter, on January 5, where the Head of State had assured that this device of advance costs “should not be complicated”. “We must not be reimbursed at Saint-Glinglin,” he declared. They are absolutely right, the doctors, we have to be able to be much simpler, much more efficient, but it is still a step forward. With this new declaration, the generalized third-party payment is no longer a prerequisite but the result of a process and a negotiation.
First indication on the device, we know that complementary health will be largely associated with it. According to the president of the Mutualité Française, Etienne Caniard, the operators have even started to work on the specifications of a common IT platform to set up the advance of fees for doctors.
This would be done on the model of the Economic Interest Grouping of Bank Cards, so that this third party payment could be set up with them – and not only with health insurance.
The main threat to break off discussions
But despite the signs of appeasement in recent days, the anger of the doctors had not subsided. The proof with the mobilization of general practitioners on strike this Thursday against the Health Law.
And on Wednesday, the CSMF (1), the main union of liberal doctors, issued an ultimatum to the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine. In a press release, she announces that she will leave the four working groups created to develop the text (before it passes through Parliament) “in the absence of any real desire to rewrite the bill. “
The union continues: “even if the CSMF Bureau notes that certain groups have made it possible to listen to its proposals, it questions the usefulness of these working groups. “
An 8-day ultimatum
These trade unionists simply think that they will run out of time to rewrite the text: “the current overly constrained schedule is an additional reason for major legitimate concern about the real possibilities of rewriting this unacceptable bill, which will require several months. . The CSMF demands clear and acceptable answers, within 8 days, on the generalized third party payment, the public hospital service and advanced practices. In the absence of concrete commitments, and a credible timetable, the CSMF will no longer participate in these working groups, ”concludes the union.
A national demonstration on March 15
Finally, the CSMF calls on all liberal doctors to continue and amplify the mobilization by continuing in particular the strike of the vital card (no more teletransmissions) and by participating in the national demonstration of all doctors, on March 15 in Paris.
(1) Confederation of French medical unions