For the past few weeks, doctors have seen many patients suffering from winter illnesses pass through their offices. According to general practitioners Luc Duquesnel and Faïza Bossy, these multiple cases of influenza, bronchiolitis, nasopharyngitis or even gastroenteritis are caused by the relaxation of barrier gestures and the multiple contacts between the French.
- 17% of French people cite fatigue as the most present feeling in 2021.
- Doctors have found that there are more cases of winter illnesses this year than in 2020.
- The multiple contacts between the French and the relaxation of barrier gestures would have generated numerous cases of influenza, bronchiolitis, gastroenteritis or nasopharyngitis.
- The French would be more susceptible to infections because they are more tired.
In recent times, many French people have noticed that several people in their personal and professional circles suffered from a coughing fit, had a sore throat or were exhausted. And for good reason, 17% of them chose “fatigue” as the first qualifier to characterize their current state of mind, according to a survey by the Ipsos institute and the Jaurès Foundation carried out in October 2021.
The French aren’t the only ones who feel like everyone is getting sick right now. Doctors have also seen a strong comeback of winter viruses. “It’s surprising because last year at the same time few patients had contracted a winter illness. For two weeks, we have seen several people with influenza, bronchiolitis, gastroenteritis but also Covid-19”says Dr. Luc Duquesnel, general practitioner in Mayenne and president of the “general practitioners” branch of the CSMF (Confederation of French Medical Unions).
More contacts between the French
According to Dr Faïza Bossy, general practitioner, the multiple contacts between the French could explain these numerous infections due to winter viruses in recent weeks. “People escaped the various pathologies last year because a confinement and a curfew had been put in place. They were therefore not able to see each other as often as today and could not transmit the diseases. affection for others”, she expands.
The practitioner also explains that patients consulted their doctor less in 2020 for fear of overloading hospital services or contracting Covid-19 after treatment. “This year, winter diseases have appeared earlier and more French people have been affected than in 2020, but there is not an explosion of cases”, she adds.
A relaxation of barrier gestures
According to doctors Luc Duquesnel and Faïza Bossy, there is another explanation for this multiplication of winter illnesses: the French do not respect barrier gestures as well as last year! “These gestures have not yet entered into mores. We no longer change masks as often and we use hydroalcoholic gels less than before, which allows all the viruses to circulate more”, specifies the president of the “generalist” branch of the CSMF. Health professionals also point out that most patients fail to carefully apply barrier gestures… quite simply because many of them are children for whom these gestures are not always spontaneous!
Less resistant to viruses
The general practitioner in Mayenne also indicates that the French could now be more susceptible to infections due to the pandemic. “Patients are not as fit as they were two years ago. They are more tired and fragile in the face of attacks”, he declares. According to Luc Duquesnel, a person who has had Covid-19 and then gastroenteritis may suffer from more intense symptoms because their body has not had the time necessary to regain sufficient immunity to fight the viruses.
Adopt simple gestures
To avoid contracting the flu, gastroenteritis or nasopharyngitis, the two practitioners advise seriously applying barrier gestures, such as wearing a mask, airing rooms, washing hands or physical distancing. The president of the CSMF strongly recommends self-isolation. “We see that a person suffering from gastroenteritis, for example, manages to contaminate all the members of his family because he does not isolate himself”he laments.