Eating French fries more than three times a week doubles the risk of premature death. This is not the case for the other cooking methods.
This is a study that is likely to sadden more than one fan of French fries. Although tasty, this way of cooking potatoes leaves something to be desired in terms of health. Those who consume it too often risk paying the price. As shown in a study published in L’American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, avid French fries are more at risk of dying prematurely.
To reach these conclusions, the researchers rely on the monitoring of 4,400 people. Aged 45 to 79 at the start of the study, these volunteers filled out questionnaires on their eating habits for 8 years. At the end of this period, just over 200 of them had died.
Harmful substances
The heaviest consumers of French fries are at a much greater risk of dying, compared to those who do without. From three servings per week, the risk of death is doubled.
The researchers recognize, however, that this association must be confirmed by other teams before definitively condemning the fry. However, these results are not really surprising.
Frying has two arguments against it: it accumulates bad fats (saturated or trans) and promotes the formation of acrylamide. This chemical occurs when foods rich in starch are cooked at very high temperatures. And according to the World Health Organization, it would be a probable carcinogen. Limiting your intake is therefore recommended. Especially since potatoes cooked otherwise are not associated with an increased risk.
Bad habits
The risks associated with consuming French fries don’t end there. As the researchers explain, this method of cooking is often accompanied by a high salt content. Here again, too regular intakes can prove to be deleterious for cardiovascular health, but also promote diabetes or obesity.
In addition to these well-established risks, a cocktail effect could well occur. Because people who eat a lot of French fries tend to adopt unhealthy habits, such as eating a lot of red meat, too salty foods or soda.
But this finding is particularly worrying in view of Western food behavior. In the United States, an American consumes an average of 52 kg of potatoes per year – or one kg per week. In two out of three cases, they are fries, crisps and other industrially prepared foods. It would therefore be wiser to turn to steamed potatoes, sautéed or in a salad … just as tasty.