Vitamin B11
Most people have heard of folic acid (also called vitamin B11). But did you know that it is one of the few vitamins that the Dutch do not always get enough of? And that it is especially important for pregnant women to take enough folic acid?
Folic acid is necessary for the growth and proper functioning of the body. This vitamin is also important for the production of white and red blood cells.
Development of the unborn child
If you want to become pregnant or are just pregnant, it is wise to take extra folic acid. Folic acid is important for the early development of the unborn child. The advice is to take a daily supplement of 400 to 500 micrograms of folic acid. A deficiency of folic acid in early pregnancy increases the risk of a neural tube defect (NBD), spina bifida, cleft lip and cleft palate in the baby. Pregnant women are advised to continue taking folic acid during the first two months of pregnancy.
Folic acid is naturally found in green vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli and lettuce), fruits (such as bananas, melons and lemons), whole grain products, bread, meat and dairy. People who eat a varied diet get enough folic acid, except pregnant women. That is why they are advised to take extra folic acid. Women who take a long time to get pregnant can safely take years of extra folic acid. There is no risk of excess folic acid.
Folic acid is not only known as vitamin B11, but also as folate or citrovorum factor. The name for the natural forms of folic acid in food and drink is tetrahydrofolates. The form in which folic acid is present in supplements is pteroylmonoglutamic acid (PMG).
Much research has been done on the health effects of folic acid. For example, taking folic acid would protect against colon cancer, cardiovascular disease and dementia, among other things. But the results of the studies are not unequivocal. The evidence is therefore insufficient to draw conclusions.