March 22, 2019
In its latest weekly epidemiological bulletin, the Agence Santé Publique France announces the end of the flu epidemic in mainland France and confirms that it was less lethal than last year.
The influenza epidemic is over in three regions and in the post-epidemic phase in the others
According to the French public health agency, the last of which weekly epidemiological bulletin (BEH) was released on March 20, the flu epidemic will soon be over. She is in any case finished in three regions of mainland France : Bourgogne-France-Comté, Corsica and Île-de-France. ” The other metropolitan regions are in the post-epidemic phase Can we read in the bulletin.
The indicators of influenza activity during the week of March 11, as well as consultations and hospitalizations due to influenza, were indeed in ” clear reduction “. According to the agency, the end of the flu epidemic should thus be declared within two weeks in France.
Flu caused 7,200 deaths this winter
Between the start of the flu epidemic, which affected France later this year, and March 3, 7,200 deaths have reportedly been attributed to the virus and 1,757 severe cases have been reported, which is considerably less than last year, where it claimed nearly 13,000 victims (12,982 recorded deaths) and 2,770 serious cases of resuscitation.
On the other hand, the flu epidemic continues in some overseas regions, especially in the West Indies, where 14 serious cases admitted to intensive care have been reported, including four died, in Guadeloupe. On the other hand, the seasonal flu epidemic is over in Réunion.
Aurélie Giraud
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