In times of co-circulation of different viruses (SARS-CoV-2, but also influenza and other respiratory viruses), HAS specifies which tests can distinguish them.
- screening for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses by antigen testing in children with symptoms of respiratory infection is indicated.
- In an adult, performing RT-PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 and any other virus responsible for winter viral infections is indicated upon arrival at the hospital.
The start of autumn marks the return of winter respiratory infections, the symptoms of which – not very specific – sometimes resemble those of Covid-19 (fever, stuffy nose, headaches, etc.).
The multiplex test
To make a clear diagnosis, it is possible to carry out several unit tests carried out simultaneously, or to use a test called “multiplex”, which makes it possible to simultaneously detect several infectious agents from the same sample.
The HAS (High Authority for Health) “considers that there is an interest in researching one or more viruses of winter respiratory infections (including influenza) in association with a search for SARS-CoV-2 in only patients who present with symptoms, and for whom the result will be useful to determine the nature of the care and/or a particular isolation”, either: adults hospitalized or arriving at the emergency room, residents in nursing homes and young children.
What tests in adults?
In an adult, performing RT-PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 and any other virus responsible for winter viral infections is indicated upon arrival at the hospital. It is recalled that a SARS-CoV-2 antigen test can also be used in the emergency room.
“In the hospital, whether during the hospitalization of an adult patient or when he arrives in the emergency room, faced with symptoms suggestive of a respiratory infection, it is important to specifically identify the virus in question. to properly isolate the patient and undertake the most appropriate treatment”, justifies the HAS.
Faced with an adult residing in a social or medico-social establishment, a double COVID-19 and flu test must be carried out in the presence of symptoms suggestive of these two pathologies. The test will then be antigenic or RT-PCR for the search for SARS-CoV-2, and RT-PCR for the search for influenza.
What tests in children?
In a classic setting, the search for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses by antigenic test in children presenting with symptoms of a respiratory infection is indicated, in particular to avoid the use of antibiotic treatments if the infection proves to be serious. viral origin.
In hospitalized children, all suspected respiratory viruses should be sought by RT-PCR tests, with particular attention to be paid to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) responsible for bronchiolitis. On the other hand, in emergencies, an antigenic test will be preferred for the search for SARS-CoV-2.
If the child resides in a social or medico-social structure and presents symptoms of a respiratory infection, antigenic tests for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses must be carried out in order to take appropriate measures. appropriate isolation.
“In children, respiratory pathologies have less frank manifestations than in adults, but their consequences can be serious, and a probabilistic antibiotic treatment is often initiated”, explains the HAS. “In addition, in children, the viral load is higher than that observed in adults, even in the event of often mild symptoms”, conclude the experts.