Half a million French people consulted the doctor because of the flu. In just three weeks, the epidemic has experienced strong growth, particularly among seniors.
The epidemic spread at lightning speed. In just three weeks, the seasonal flu caused 578,000 people to see their doctor. In its epidemiological bulletin, Public Health France emphasizes that the virus disproportionately affects the elderly and other at-risk populations.
Three regions are paying the high price for this early epidemic: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’azur (PACA). The first is notably experiencing higher mortality than in previous years. “We have the impression that this epidemic has not taken on the same scale everywhere in France”, recently confided Professor Bruno Lina, head of the National Reference Center for Influenza in Lyon (Rhône-Alpes), to whydoctor. However, the whole territory is affected.
Source : Public Health France
more virulent
This epidemic is not only particular from the point of view of the calendar. It is also more virulent than usual. Health authorities have already recorded 22 deaths and 381 serious cases. In addition, there are more than 1,000 hospitalized due to complications from the infection. “Influenza hospitalizations particularly concern the elderly”, underlines Public Health France. In fact, the over 65s represent 70% of the beds occupied because of the epidemic.
Institutions caring for the elderly are also more affected than usual: 169 collective homes have been reported to the authorities. Here again, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is disproportionately affected. At issue: the very nature of the epidemic. The H3N2 virus, which circulates in the vast majority of cases, mainly infects seniors and young children. However, “we know that in nursing homes, 10% of patients infected with this virus will die”, according to Bruno Lina.
If it is too late to get vaccinated, the so-called barrier measures remain useful. Washing your hands regularly, wearing masks in the presence of a sick person and blowing your nose in single-use tissues are all methods that limit the spread of the virus.