This Sunday, September 9, 2018, is World Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) awareness day. According to a major survey published on September 4, 2018, between 2006 and 2013, 3,207 children were diagnosed in France for disorders caused by fetal alcoholism.
Growth retardation, central nervous system damage, malformations … FAS is the leading cause of non-genetic mental handicap and social maladjustment of children in France. Passing from maternal blood to the blood of the fetus, alcohol can cause irreversible damage – the alcohol transmitted to the fetus is also slowly eliminated because the liver is not sufficiently developed.
However, there are still many misconceptions about alcohol during pregnancy. Thus, the results of a survey conducted (in June 2015) by the BVA institute assessing knowledge and perception of the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy are overwhelming.
Misconceptions dangerous for the health of newborns
75% of French people believe that “the slightest consumption of alcohol during pregnancy does not involve any risk for the child”. 39% of French people consider that “drinking a glass for special occasions is not a problem” and, worse, 27% of French people consider that it is “advisable to drink a glass of wine from time to time during the pregnancy “. Finally, 46% of French people also think that it is “less dangerous to drink wine or beer than strong alcohol”.
According to Alcohol Info Service, “Current scientific knowledge does not allow us to determine a level of alcohol consumption or an amount of alcohol that would be safe for the unborn child”. Hence the golden rule of “Zero alcohol during pregnancy”, “under the precautionary principle”. Message received !
Read also :
Pregnancy: a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of fetal alcohol consumption
Pregnancy: too many pregnant women drink
Pregnancy and alcohol: a test to anticipate damage