Historically, plants have been used to increase fertility. Some by “mimicking” the action of a particular hormone, others by acting directly on the reproductive organs.
Since fertility involves multiple parameters, a personalized prescription is essential for optimal effectiveness.
Plants to promote fertility
However, let us quote the flagship plants of fertility:
• The chaste tree is often prescribed to regularize cycles. Thanks to its action similar to that of progesterone, it improves the second phase of the cycle, the luteal phase. This plant is also offered to women whose quality of the ovarian reserve is prematurely poor. However, it should be avoided in the event of PMA treatment or a history of hormone-dependent breast cancer.
• The purple clover, in infusion, helps to restore the good acid-base balance of the vagina and the uterus.
• Evening primrose oil, taken in capsule form, would improve the quality of cycles by increasing natural progesterone.
• Maca seems to have proven itself on the quality of sperm. This plant consumed daily by Peruvians in the form of flour is available in France in capsules.
Haro on preconceived ideas about getting pregnant
Take a pear tree after love, take lavender herbal teas, eat root vegetables, expose yourself to the light of the moon to regulate capricious cycles … If there is one area where there are many great remedies -mothers, it’s fertility! But none has been scientifically validated … Making love every two days during the ovulation period (to be detected naturally by observing your cervical mucus) remains the most natural and effective remedy!
For further
Baby craving: 6 things to know before you get pregnant
Pregnancy: 12 tips to boost your fertility
5 kamasutra positions to get pregnant