Almost a million Dutch people are afraid behind the wheel. That says an article on the website Maxmeldpunt. What can you do about fear of driving?
Fear of driving comes in different forms: one is afraid of becoming unwell on the way, while the other is afraid of breaking things. The cause of fear of driving can also differ. For example, clinical psychologist Yvette van der Pas says in an article on the Blijtijds website that fear of driving can be related to a predisposition or to an accident you have ever experienced. Long periods of stress can also cause fear of driving. In the RTL Nieuws Van der Pas says that fear of driving often stems from insecurity. ‘People who are afraid to drive have their driver’s license, so they can safely drive on the road. Although they often think otherwise. They have built up too little routine or are afraid of losing control, even if it doesn’t happen at all.’
Fear of driving occurs in all ages. It is striking that this mainly occurs in young people. Research by Diks Verzekeringen shows that almost a quarter of Dutch motorists under the age of 30 suffer from fear of driving. Of the 1,108 respondents of all ages, 47 percent are suspicious of other road users and 12 percent prefer not to get behind the wheel at all. Furthermore, fear of driving was slightly more common in women (13 percent) than in men (7 percent).
How do you get rid of fear of driving?
According to Van der Pas, the best way to get over your fear of driving is to do exactly what you fear: hit the road. Then you will get over your fear. She also gives a tip on the Blijtijds website to take lessons with a specialist in fear of driving. It gives feedback on your driving skills and that gives you confidence. For example, Buro Moussault provides specialized training against fear of driving. Van der Pas also advises not to squeeze your handlebars. That makes you feel very tense. According to Ismaël van Reede, director of Driving Lessons Without Stress, it is often a matter of getting to know the car and getting more automatic. On the Maxmeldpunt website, he gives a tip to name everything you see along the way. For example: there will be a roundabout or I will now merge that car. This dampens anxious thoughts and gives them less chance to take over.