The elderly account for 91% of deaths linked to the virus. The number of hospitalizations is twice as high as usual.
The flu epidemic is over, but surveillance continues at Public Health France. This March 8, bulletin epidemiological is the preliminary assessment of a season unlike any other. After an early onset, the flu lasted in the epidemic stage for 10 weeks. It will have caused many victims, particularly among the elderly.
1.9 million people infected
Doctors’ offices now have 21 consultations per 100,000 people. This weak circulation of the virus does not prevent serious cases from occurring. In a week, Public Health France received 3 reports of serious complications and 11 outbreaks of respiratory infections in communities for the elderly. Apart from these last upheavals, the epidemic is well and truly over. Infecting by the way 1.9 million French people.
In terms of deaths observed during the flu season, the results are more mixed. All causes combined, the excess mortality is estimated at 21,200. This is therefore more than the 2014-2015 season (18,300). In contrast, 14,358 deaths are directly attributable to influenza. This time, the estimate is comparable to the 2014-2015 season.
One parameter does vary, however: the mortality of the elderly. Indeed, among the deaths attributed to the virus, 91% concern patients aged 75 and over. This represents 70% of the excess mortality observed.
A poorly effective vaccine
In fact, during the epidemic, seniors were overwhelmed by the H3N2 strain, which is very much in the majority. The majority of people hospitalized are over 65 years of age. The impact is particularly marked among those over 75 – who account for half of hospital admissions. Compared to the reference season, 2014-2015, two to three times more elderly patients were hospitalized. The magnitude is similar in outpatient medical consultations.
Faced with this real wave, vaccination has provided only marginal protection. On the one hand, the coverage is low since it does not even reach 50%. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the product was limited in frail people. It is estimated at 26% in the general population at risk and 23% in patients 65 years of age and over.