The mobile phone emits waves that would be particularly dangerous for men, because they would promote erectile dysfunction according to the results of a study published in the specialized journal Central European Journal of Urology.
The cell phone interferes with the erection
Scientists from the Department of Urology at Graz University in Austria and the Department of Andrology at Cairo University in Egypt analyzed the medical data and behavior of 20 volunteers who complained of erectile dysfunction for at least six months, and another group of 10 healthy controls without erectile dysfunction.
The volunteers underwent laboratory tests and their erectile function index was measured. They also had to answer questionnaires on their cell phone use habits.
The researchers found that there was no significant difference between the two groups regarding age, weight, height and testosterone levels. On the other hand, men with erectile dysfunction kept their cell phones on longer than others.
If the results of this study is a little scary, the researchers recall that “other studies on a larger scale must be carried out to confirm their conclusions and find the mechanisms involved in this phenomenon”.
The national health security agency (ANSES) recalls in its report on the health risks of electromagnetic waves that “adults intensive mobile phone users must use the hands-free kit, that the exposure of children must be reduced. on the mobile phone and turn them off at night ”.