The French are concerned about the toxicity of their environment and the impact on their health.
Between pesticides, air pollution, heavy metals, food additives… The French are spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing the object of their concerns. According to a survey conducted by the Harris Interactive Institute for the Mutualité Française, 92% of French people believe that the environment and health are closely linked, and many are alarmed by the deleterious consequences of their environment.
What respondents fear first and foremost are pesticides. Thus, 90% of them say they are concerned about the health risk that these toxic substances cause. Next comes the quality of food (89% worried), followed by soil pollution (85%), the quality of tap water (77%), household products (73%), noise (69 %) and electromagnetic waves (64%), explains the Mutualité Française in a communicated.
Organic in canteens
Suddenly, the French want to be protected. More than nine out of ten respondents (93%) would like to “dramatically reduce the use of pesticides in agricultural activities”. A similar proportion is in favor of “warning labeling concerning the polluting effects of household products and other products (paints, aerosols, etc.) on indoor air”. Finally, three quarters of them would like to see the share of organic products in school canteens increase.
Aware that improving the environment comes from a collective approach, many French people say they have implemented actions to limit their exposure to polluting sources. “Systematically or regularly, they air their homes (90%), sort their waste (88%), bring their batteries to the collection point (77%) as well as their medicines (63%)”, specifies the press release.
Training requested
Many of them also “inquire about the origin of the products purchased, turn off electronic devices or wave emitters, use packaging other than plastic to preserve food”.
However, the French feel ill-informed about the risks associated with their environment. For more than a third of respondents (36%), the information is too incomplete, in particular on the issue of indoor pollution, electromagnetic waves and cleaning products. Thus, many respondents consider it necessary to set up training workshops in eco-citizen behavior.