Emergency personnel are exhausted. Anger, exhaustion, weariness … The unease that has plagued emergency teams for years is expressed in the strike movement initiated by many emergency reception services (SAU). This Thursday, June 6, there are precisely 83 UAS on strike, according to the census carried out and updated by the Inter urgency Collective. Caregivers are demonstrating in the streets of Paris today to express their grievances and demand action from the government. Because between the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn and the caregivers, the cloth is burning. The strikers say they are outraged by the working conditions that are rotting the daily emergency and by the lack of consideration of the ministry. Lack of resources, bed shortages, congested emergencies, Insufficient staff and work overload, wages deemed too low … There is no shortage of grievances.
To these structural problems denounced for years by the staff is added the exasperation of the patients, overwhelmed by the excessive waiting time, and which manifests itself sporadically by episodes of violence against professionals. The assault on March 18 of nursing staff at Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris was one too many incidents that sparked the anger of caregivers.
Agnès Buzyn renews her support for emergency physicians
While the strikers meet at 1:30 pm at Montparnasse in Paris, the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn has already launched on Twitter an extended hand to emergency professionals to whom she says to renew “her confidence” and “her support”. The Minister announces “5 priority actions to respond to the distress of caregivers”, namely:
– “a refounding mission entrusted to the national council for hospital emergencies”
– the mobilization of regional health agencies (ARS) to “pursue the emergency modernization plan”
-funding of emergencies in the event of exceptional situations (for example in the event of a “very significant increase in the activity of an emergency service”)
– an inventory to standardize individual risk-taking to face difficult working conditions, in particular verbal and physical attacks on staff
– “a cooperation bonus for paramedical staff” who will lend a hand to emergency physicians in order to reduce the waiting time in the emergency room.
It remains to be seen how these announcements will be received by caregivers and emergency professionals.
Professionals know it, # MaSanté2022 will make it possible to better organize the system in the future to avoid overloading in emergencies.
But immediate solutions are also expected. Today, I am announcing 5 priority actions to respond to the distress of caregivers: https://t.co/RcDwQgG4dcpic.twitter.com/89dzEj7iOz
– Agnes Buzyn (@agnesbuzyn) June 6, 2019
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