Are workplaces overloaded on air? A decree published on August 6, 2016 in Official newspaper laying down new rules on electromagnetic waves for employers. Until now, the protection of workers exposed to electromagnetic waves in terms of health and safety has been limited “to the only general principles of prevention“, recalls the decree. From January 1, 2017, exposure to these waves must not exceed the limit values defined by this text.
Adapt workstations
Electromagnetic waves come, for example, from television screens and computers, mobile phones, tablets, connected objects, microwave ovens or even radars. As soon as this new decree is applied, companies will have to quantify exposure to these waves in workplaces and record this data in the single risk assessment document (DUER) made available to employees. In the event that the limit values are exceeded, the company will be required to put in place measures to limit exposure, for example by adapting workstations.
An exposure level “as low as possible” for pregnant women
In addition, the decree provides additional protection for employees at particular risk, such as workers under the age of 18, workers equipped with medical devices and the pregnant women. For the latter, the text provides that their exposure to electromagnetic fields at their workplace is “maintained at a level as low as is reasonably possible to achieve taking into account the recommendations of existing good practice, and in any event at a level below the limit values for exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields“.
>> To read also:
Electromagnetic waves, a potential danger for children’s brains
5 tips to protect yourself from electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves: the installation of the Linky meter is debated
Waves: wifi now banned in nurseries