What to do in case of too rapid ejaculation?
If the partner does not have a problem with premature ejaculation, the situation looks pretty good, you have to start with communicate with her man and inform him of his own “progress” state, so that he settles on the right tempo. It is up to him to do so since he is the “limiting” element. If this does not work right away, the partner will have to gradually learn to re-educate his ejaculatory reflex.
Instructions for use: he must let his pleasure rise and when he feels that it is coming, stop. Learning the technique of “stop and go” can be done in pairs, like an erotic game, or solo, during masturbation. “The idea is to train to enjoy as late as possible to improve your control and especially to create physiological conditioning, a new reflex in the genital area”, explains Dr Sylvain Mimoun.
If the partner has a problempremature ejaculation, several approaches are possible: sex therapy (squeezing with the squeezing of the frenulum, stop and go, body sex therapy), physiotherapy (with rehabilitation of the perineum), hypnosis, relaxation, so-called delaying drugs, which allow immediately not to ejaculate quickly.
What to do in case of too late ejaculation?
Often after 50, a man takes longer to reach orgasm, which can cause irritation in his partner due to repeated rubbing, especially if she herself is approaching menopause. Advice for her: before intercourse, apply lubricant to the vulva, after intercourse, use only soap without soap for the toilet, apply a softening and healing cream (Cicalfate, Homeoplasmin, Dermocuivre), wear underwear cotton clothing, avoid tight pantyhose and pants. The next time, think about varying the positions of love.
Advice for him: a psychological work of relaxation or hypnosis could calm the internal tension “retained” also in the event of delayed ejaculation.
And does syncro orgasm exist?
If we stick to physiology and statistics, the simultaneous enjoyment is an ideal almost impossible to obtain since the man enjoys on average four times faster than the woman and this difference can be amplified when this one is menopausal. But with control, even the re-education of his ejaculatory reflex, the man can get in tune.