Without protective glasses, no eclipse. To prevent schoolchildren from damaging their eyes, the Ministry of Health recommends not going out between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m., the time of the March 20 eclipse.
This Friday, March 20, the sun will be 80% eclipsed over France. A first since 1999. Protective glasses make it possible to observe the phenomenon without risk. But the excitement is such that the eyewear manufacturers are out of stock!
The eclipse can be observed between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. But it is essential to protect your eyes before looking directly into the sun, as UV rays continue to burn the retina and cornea. “Special protective glasses can be acquired from opticians, specialized stores or certain pharmacists,” said March 11. the Ministry of Health. The instructions were a little too well followed since a shortage has been declared for a few days.
System D to observe the eclipse
Schools, which have not anticipated, are encouraged not to let children out at the time of the eclipse. This should disappoint more than one schoolboy … An educational file however, explains how to safely observe the phenomenon. In particular, it details the pinhole method or the simpler skimmer method.
Eduscol is not the only one to relay other means of observing the eclipse. The designer Lepithec offers a nice comic, relayed by our colleagues from Rue89.
The curious little far-sighted and less manual will also be able to observe the eclipse live but in complete safety, thanks to CNRS experts.