Making noise while eating increases the flavors tenfold.
- In India or China, eating loudly is well seen.
- Wine or coffee tasting professionals also noisily inhale the liquid to extract all the flavors.
It’s considered rude in France, but a new study published in the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science has just shown that eating loudly makes you appreciate food better.
A more intense taste
To reach this conclusion, “we investigated the impact of slurping versus sipping on the flavor evaluation of hot soup samples served in a bowl or cup”explain the researchers.
207 participants rated the flavor intensity of the soup, its degree of appreciation and the discomfort they felt after tasting each of the samples. “The results revealed that the taste of the soup was significantly more intense when swallowed in large sips (therefore making noise) rather than in small sips, and that the participants also felt a little more self-conscious. write the researchers. “The study indicates that, in some way, eating while making noise enhances the enjoyment of the experience.” adds Josef Youssef, founder of Kitchen Theory.
Restore taste and appetite
Additionally, participants preferred soup served in a cup rather than a bowl. Beyond of the fun aspect of this research, it could give leads to allow some people to regain taste (especially those affected by Covid-19), or appetite (very affected by patients who are in chemotherapy for example ).