Marisol Touraine today presented her national e-health 2020 strategy. The objective of this plan is to support the players in the healthcare system in the digital shift.
“Digital technology is comparable to the upheaval brought about by electricity at the end of the 19th century. It is part of each of our daily actions, and constitutes a new, incredibly fertile and promising soil, which allows new inventions to flourish every day ”. It is with these enthusiastic words that Marisol Touraine presented this Monday her national e-health strategy 2020. In the premises of the Parisian start-up BePatient, she unveiled a plan revolving around four main priorities.
The first is to develop connected medicine through a plan ” big data In health, “to better understand diseases, better support patients and better anticipate health crises”. It is the fruit of a reflection launched last September. “This plan will, for example, allow the development of new applications for remote monitoring or interpretation of medical data to assist physicians in their diagnoses,” said the Minister.
In addition, at the same time, it announced the formation of a think tank on big data in health, which should report back to it at the end of 2016. Finally, to the questions: what uses of big data should be encouraged , under what conditions, the citizen consultation bore fruit, underlined the Minister. The website recorded nearly 35,000 visits. And a total of 1,230 contributions were collected.
Simplify administrative procedures
With this plan, the tenant of Avenue Duquesne (Paris) also wishes to encourage co-innovation between health professionals, citizens and economic players by launching calls for projects dedicated to e-health or the development of living labs. This “in order to imagine, in direct connection with users, the medicine of tomorrow (telemedicine tools, treatment monitoring applications, etc.)”, it is written in the text.
Third, the Minister of Health wants to simplify the administrative procedures for patients (admission, online appointment booking, bill payment, etc.). And it will also equip health democracy with the help of a digital platform facilitating the consultation and participation of users.
It all starts with safety
Finally, the government to which Marisol Touraine is a member wishes to strengthen the security of health information systems through a dedicated action plan. ” Security. I’ll end there, but that’s where it all starts, ”she insisted.
On the agenda side, the Minister will set up a strategic council next fall to steer the 2020 e-health strategy. It will bring together representatives of professionals in the sector, users, manufacturers and public institutions who contribute to its implementation. .
“The encounter between digital technology and health is a promise for patients, professionals and the health system as a whole. This strategy will allow France to fully enter the era of digital medicine, ”concluded Marisol Touraine.
Support for innovation and e-health since 2012
The measures presented today complement the actions carried out by the Minister of Health since 2012, such as the digital hospital program, the “Digital healthcare territory” plan, and the telemedicine experiments. These have been launched in nine territories. As a result, 2.5 million patients can now consult a doctor remotely. In the coming days, this experiment will be extended to the remote monitoring of patients suffering from diabetes, respiratory, cardiac or renal failure.
Marisol Touraine also announced, last May, an investment plan of 2 billion euros. It will include 750 million euros dedicated to digital technology and coordination tools around the care pathways. From 2017, all citizens will be able, if they wish, to create their shared medical file in a few clicks.