A previously unknown substance, probably related to synthetic opiates, is believed to be the cause of several deaths and hospitalizations on Reunion Island since the end of June 2023.
- An unknown substance with a fatal risk is in circulation on Reunion Island. It causes asphyxiation and is already responsible for 3 deaths and 6 hospitalizations in intensive care since June 2023.
- The product is believed to be a synthetic opiate 500 times more powerful than heroin and can be smoked, vaporized, injected, ingested, inhaled or snorted.
- Some consumers were unknowingly trapped. But it is still prudent not to accept tobacco or synthetic products whose origin we do not know.
L’ARS of Reunion (regional health agency) warned of the circulation on the island of a still unknown substance which could be related to synthetic opioids (heroin, fentanyl, etc.). It is said to have caused 13 poisonings responsible for 3 deaths (at the victims’ homes) and 6 hospitalizations in intensive care since the end of June 2023. The people concerned were aged between 21 and 46. The origin of the product is currently unknown.
A very powerful synthetic opiate
According to initial investigations, this product is a synthetic opiate 500 times more powerful than heroin. It can be smoked, vaporized, injected, ingested, inhaled, snorted and sometimes without the consumer’s knowledge.
This is why the prefect of Reunion and the general director of the ARS, in a communicated of September 8, 2023, recommend the greatest vigilance to consumers of tobacco and synthetic products.
Especially since these synthetic opiates are very strong and the risk of overdose from these substances is major, occurring within a very short time (a few seconds or minutes after taking).
Responsible for rapidly fatal asphyxiation
Some of those affected reported symptoms that began after two puffs of smoking tobacco, with sudden asphyxiation and an inability to breathe. Death may occur within a short time.
The ARS of Reunion therefore reminds, as precautionary measures, never to accept a cigarette or a product whose origin is not known. And if unusual symptoms appear, she advises calling 15 directly and explaining the context in which these signs occurred.
There is no doubt about the dangerousness of this substance. Let’s hope it doesn’t spread to other countries.