According to a study published today in the medical journal Trafficregular consumption of sugary drinks soda type and Juice would be linked to a change in visceral adipose tissue and subcutaneous adipose tissue. In other words, people who drink it regularly (i.e. at least once a week) are more likely to store the fat responsible for cardiovascular illnesses and diabetes.
For this study, the researchers followed more than 1,000 people with an average age of 45 and asked them about their consumption of drinks. with added sugars. After six years of follow-up, they found that those who drank sugary drinks tended to have more visceral fat, or deep fat. This type of fat settles around internal organs, including the liver, pancreas, and intestines, affects hormonal function, and may play a role in insulin resistance.
To make this finding, study participants underwent computed tomography (CT) at the start and end of the study, which allowed the researchers to measure changes in visceral fat.
For the moment, the mechanism that transforms the sugar in drinks into visceral fat is not yet known. “Perhaps the high sugar content of these drinks contributes to the insulin resistancethus reducing the ability of body cells to take up sugar from the blood, which contributes to the development of visceral fat”said Dr. Caroline Fox, lead author of the study and member of the American Federation of Cardiology.
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