fractures, lacerations, tearing of tendons: each year the surgeons of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand have to repair major injuries caused by a dog leash. As well as being painful and traumatic, some of these injuries can be seriously disabling and take up to a year to recover properly, UK surgeons have explained. at the BBC.
What to do when walking your dog
A few days ago, the French Cardiology Federation recommended that seniors adopt a dog to fight against cardiovascular disease. By forcing their master to go out, dogs can reduce the risk of early mortality by up to 36%. But on their side the hand surgeons want “that dog lovers be aware of the simple steps they can take to avoid serious harm”.
According to surgeons, the most common injury caused by dog collars or leashes is the “spiral fracture” of the finger bones, which often requires surgery. They therefore recommend that dog owners:
- not to wrap the leash around their wrist, hands or fingers
- not to get your fingers caught under the dog’s collar
- hold large dogs with short leashes to prevent them from picking up speed.
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