The new Minister of Solidarity, Damien Abad, is affected by a rare congenital condition called “arthrogryposis”. But what are the causes of this pathology? How is it treated? Explanations.
- In its Greek root, arthrogryposis means “hook joint”.
- This congenital disease affects approximately one in 4,000 births worldwide.
On May 20, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne appointed Damien Abad as Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities. He was the first MP with a disability. Damien Abad suffers from arthrogryposis. It is a rare congenital pathology that results in joint deformities and stiffness, usually symmetrical. According the High Authority for Health (HAS), although they do not progress to the unaffected joints, these joint stiffnesses can change in amplitude under the influence of growth and treatments.
A physical limitation of fetal mobility
This neuromuscular disease is “characterized by the prenatal onset (usually in the second trimester) of reduced fetal movement and abnormal fetal positioning”, noted the Orphanetthe portal dedicated to rare diseases and orphan drugs.
Arthrogryposis is also manifested by decreased muscle strength, neuromotor impairments and reduced facial expressions. The disease progresses gradually and differently from person to person. According to the Rare Diseases Alliance Associationsome patients may be able to perform activities of daily living, while others are in a wheelchair or able to move only their head.
What are the possible treatments ?
This rare condition can be suspected in the antenatal period if one or more of the baby’s limbs are malpositioned or if there is a decrease in fetal movement. “At birth, the presence of movement limitations at two joint levels establishes the diagnosis”, specifies the HAS.
According to MSD Manualthe treatment of arthrogryposis is based on physiotherapy, namely rehabilitation, and orthoses to keep the deformed area in a good position. “Joint mobilization and casting during the first months of life can bring about a significant improvement. Surgery may be necessary later to correct angulation, but joint mobility is rarely improved” , can we read on the website of the medical information portal.