January 11, 2017.
The French Federation of Diabetics (FFD) and Aide aux jeunes diabétiques (AJD) have just launched a petition to allow young diabetics to access certain professions and training that are currently inaccessible.
Discriminating regulations
Are people with diabetes discriminated against in the labor market? It seems so. And it is to put an end to this discrimination in hiring that the French Federation of Diabetics and the Aid to Young Diabetics have launched. an awareness campaign to allow sick people to have access to the profession they want.
At the same time, the FFD and the AJD have launched an online petition which will then be presented to the various candidates for the Presidency of the Republic. In this petition, patients request an update of regulations ” unnecessarily discriminating, in particular for the police, the corps of engineers and the cabin crew “. The École des Mines, for example, is prohibited for diabetics by a decree dating from 1957.
Changing your outlook on people with diabetes
It is therefore imperative, according to them, to “ create an interministerial group which reassesses at least once a year, with regard to technological and medicinal developments, the list of professions prohibited for people with diabetes “. Certain trades will continue to be prohibited to them – feeling unwell when driving a school bus can have disastrous consequences – however their exclusion from the public service could, for example, be reviewed.
” While special conditions of physical ability may be provided for by certain texts for access to certain bodies or executives of civil servants, there are no a priori incompatibilities ”, Indicated the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine. The petition has already received the support of more than 23,000 people.
Read also: All you need to know about diabetes