BD, the leading manufacturer of insulin pen needles, has launched a tutorial platform, BD and Me to teach the 800,000 diabetics the correct gesture of the injection. The purpose of the site: improve the management of patients, because a correct injection technique allows a good glycemic balance. An initiative congratulated by the French Federation of Diabetics (FFD), which reminds that 1 in 4 patients do not master this technique which is the basis of the treatment of the disease.
Poor disease control and pain
For the French Federation of diabetics, an injection of controlled insulin allows better control of blood sugar and a more reliable treatment of the disease. But this gesture, new to practice for patients, is difficult to master and must be learned while the patient discovers his illness and a certain amount of information.
According to Dr. Helen Mosnier-Pudar, diabetologist at the Cochin Hospital Center (Paris) quoted by the Dispatch, “half of the patients concerned estimate that they have” balls or lumps which occur when the injections are repeated on the same site. What we call lipohypertrophies. It is the reflection of a [technique] not controlled ”. “This phenomenon which occurs if the injection is not carried out according to good practice (when the needle is reused or when the patient does not rotate the injection sites …)”.
To remedy this situation, diabetics can go to BD and Me and discover 26 videos that explain how to inject. They will learn where to prick themselves, what the needle length is, how to deal with bumps at the injection sites, know the rate of resorption.
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