Number of case of dengue having intensified in recent weeks in Réunion (111 cases recorded since the start of 2018) the Indian Ocean Regional Health Agency (ARS) has just decided to raise the alert level across the island and activate level 2B of the ORSEC plan to fight arboviruses.
Alert level 2B corresponds to an intensification of the circulation of the virus, risking to evolve into an epidemic. It plans to mobilize all stakeholders, alongside the ARS, in the fight against mosquitoes, in particular by:
• strengthening of public health actions at municipal and inter-municipal levels;
• preparation for the mobilization of reinforcements with a view to their possible mobilization in the event of an outbreak of the epidemic level;
• the preparation of health establishments to face an epidemic situation.
The epidemic risk is now “considered high, indicates the ARS, especially since the current meteorological conditions (rain and heat) are favorable to the development of mosquito vectors of dengue”.
How to protect yourself from dengue?
At the same time, warning messages are sent to the population to encourage them to take protective measures against the virus:
eliminate water containers around your home
empty the saucers
check your floor drains,
empty the small containers,
respect the waste collection days
check the flow of the gutters
protect yourself from mosquito bites
consult your doctor if symptoms of the disease appear.
With 111 cases recorded in 8 weeks, the virus has already claimed more lives than the entire year 2017 (97 cases were recorded last year).
There are over a hundred cases of #dengue since the beginning of the year in Reunion.
– clicanoo (@Clicanoore) February 27, 2018
Read also :
Dengue epidemic declared in New Caledonia
Global warming: should we fear a return of dengue fever?