I have had type 2 diabetes (68 kg, 1.68 m) for about 30 years. I have had reduced lust for about 15 years now. This is especially annoying for my partner. Now I read in literature about diabetes that men can get a reduced potency from diabetes. I assume that having diabetes also affects women’s sexuality. However, I don’t think there has been any research into it and I never read about it. Can you tell me more about this?
Elaine (68)
Henriette Schoones, Sexologist NVVS/relationship therapist
Dear Elin,
Indeed, little information can be found in the literature about the influence of type 2 diabetes on sexual functioning. With less excitement and sex drive, there are usually several factors.
The complaint started with you around the menopause. The aforementioned complaints can also occur during the menopause and with aging. In general, you need stronger sexual stimuli as you get older.
My experience from practice is that women with type 2 diabetes sometimes suffer more from a less moist vagina. Women with diabetes become more susceptible to urinary tract infections and Candida infections, resulting in an even drier vagina and, as a result, more pain during intercourse.
More information can be found at the Diabetes Fund.
Henriette Schoones