Does your child ride a bike? You have 3 months left to buy him a helmet. Indeed, a decree has just been published in the Official Journal which makes it compulsory to wear a helmet for children under 12, as of March 22, 2017.
“In traffic, the driver and passenger of a cycle, if they are under the age of twelve, must wear a helmet in accordance with the regulations relating to personal protective equipment. This helmet must be attached”, specifies the text of this decree.
In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, “adults transporting or accompanying children may be sanctioned by a fine provided for fourth class contraventions”, or 90 euros.
On a bicycle, helmets are compulsory for children under 12 years old.
– Road Safety (@Preventionrout) December 22, 2016
1,178 accidents over the past 5 years
Head shocks in young children can cause more severe trauma than in adults or adolescents. “The helmet decreases the risk of serious head injury by 70%, the risk of minor injury by 31% and the risk of facial injury by 28%” highlighted road safety.
This recalls that over the period 2011-2015, 1,178 children under 12 were involved in a bicycle accident, among which 26 children were killed, 442 were hospitalized, 665 slightly injured and only 45 were injured. came out unharmed. 91% of these accidents (and 85% of deaths) occurred in built-up areas.
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