While the World Health Organization (WHO) warned last Thursday that it was still “too early to relax” the restrictions due to the “still very high” circulation of the virus, some European countries have decided to against their neighbors, to relax their sanitary measures. This is the case of Italy, Austria, Poland and Greece.
Reopening of bars, restaurants and some emblematic places in Italy
Since February 1, the Italian government has decided to lift certain health restrictions in most regions of the country. And for good reason, eleven out of sixteen regions have gone to a yellow level, which reflects a situation of moderate risk. This lowering of the risk level has allowed, since Monday, the reopening of bars, restaurants and certain emblematic places (such as the Colosseum and the Sistine Chapel) in the regions concerned. However, establishments must respect a strict protocol: closing at 6 p.m., limited number of people and respect for barrier gestures. Finally, a curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. remains in force throughout the country.
Deconfinement and reopening of schools, museums and shops in Austria
Same thing in Austria where the government announced this Monday, February 1, 2021, the relaxation of containment in force since December 26. Museums, shops and schools are thus authorized to reopen their doors as from February 8, 2021. During a press conference, the conservative chancellor Sebastian Kurz nevertheless indicated: “ We are far from our ideal scenario of an incidence rate of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over seven days ”. To justify this decision, he mentioned the importance of taking into account ” other aspects »Especially social, economic and psychological. This is why students will be able to return to schools on condition that they carry out regular tests and organize a rotation system for colleges and high schools.
Reopening of museums, libraries, art galleries and shopping centers in Poland
The situation also seems to be improving in Poland since the government has announced the easing of certain health restrictions. Museums, libraries, art galleries and shopping centers were thus able to reopen their doors to the public on Monday, February 1. On the other hand, the Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski announced that most schools will have to remain closed until March. Likewise, bars, restaurants, hotels, nightclubs and gymnastics clubs will remain closed until at least February 14.
Reopening of middle and high schools in certain regions in Greece
As for Greece, it is above all colleges and high schools that have been able to reopen their doors to students after two and a half months of closure in regions where the virus circulates the least. Greek Education Minister Niki Kerameus said: “ Our priority is the reopening of schools […] always taking the necessary measures for your health and public health “.