Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Health Olivier Véran presented, this Wednesday, December 16, 2020, the government’s vaccination plan to the National Assembly. Scheduled in three phases, the vaccination of French people considered to be priorities could begin as early as the last week of December. Let’s do a check in.
Authorization from the European Medicines Agency expected on December 21
While France has already pre-ordered 200 million doses to vaccinate 100 million people (since two injections are required per individual), Jean Castex announced this Wednesday, December 16, 2020 to the National Assembly that vaccination could begin as soon as end of December. A decision that will depend on the European Medicines Agency which must give its authorization on December 21 about the most advanced vaccines: Pfizer and Moderna. As for the European Commission, it must return its conclusions on December 23 to finally let the High Authority of Health give its opinion the following days (around December 24, 26, 27 or 28).
First vaccines from the last week of December
As soon as they obtain the authorizations of the various authorities, the vaccines can be distributed to priority people from the last week of December. According to Jean Castex, this first step will concern around one million people and “ will take place over a period of six to eight weeks, to take into account the 21-day delay between the first vaccination and the booster “. During his speech to the deputies, the Minister of Health listed the priority people for this first phase, namely: ” the most fragile, residents of nursing homes, those who present a risk of co-morbidity “but also” health professionals working in particular in nursing homes, when they present risk factors “.
Second phase of vaccination from mid-February
According to the vaccination schedule announced by Jean Castex, the second phase should start from mid-February and will concern nearly ” 14 million people with an age-related risk factor or chronic disease “. The people targeted for this second phase are, as Olivier Véran announced, “ the over 75s, then the over 65s and finally the over 50s with health and social workers when they are 50 and over “.
Third phase of vaccination in late spring
Vaccination for the entire population should begin in late spring. But once again, this third phase will be structured according to the priority categories. Olivier Véran explained that the vaccination will take place first for people aged 50 to 64 years. Subsequently, it will extend to professionals in sectors essential to the functioning of the country in an epidemic period (such as the security, education, food sectors) then to vulnerable and precarious groups, as well as to professionals. who take care of them, people who live in confined accommodation or closed places to finally end up with the rest of the adult population.