Suspicions of Covid-19 are increasing in France. Several factors explain this increase, in particular the presence of a new variant, called Eris.
- Santé Publique France observes an increase in visits to the emergency room for suspicion of Covid-19.
- Children under two are the most affected with a 56% increase for the week of July 31 to August 6, compared to the previous one.
- The summer context and the presence of a new variant may explain this increase.
The coronavirus is resurfacing in the middle of summer. According to a report by Public Health France, the number of visits to the emergency room for suspected Covid-19 increased between July 31 and August 6, compared to the previous seven days. Several elements explain this increase, including the circulation of a new variant called Eris.
Covid-19: more and more suspected cases in France
Compared to the previous week, Public Health France notes a 56% increase in emergency room visits for suspected Covid-19 in children under two years old, between July 31 and August 6. Among those aged 15 to 74, the rate is 25% and 34% among those over 74.
“The regions most affected by this increase are the Pays de la Loire (+210% or 21 additional visits), Normandy (+71% or +15 visits), Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (+67% or +10 visits) , Nouvelle-Aquitaine (+55% or +62 passages), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (+35% or +18 passages), Brittany (+36% or +14 passages), PACA (+33% or +36 passages) and Occitania (+31% or +27 passages)”develops the organism.
Over the same period, S.O.S. doctors makes the same observation: there is an increase in consultations for suspicion of Covid-19 “in all age groups”. The disease is making a comeback”in the list of the 10 most frequent diagnoses at SOS Médecins”. For the same week, the association observed an 84% increase in medical procedures for suspected Covid-19.
Covid-19: how to explain the resurgence of cases?
According to West France, a third of infections by the virus are linked to a new variant spotted for several weeks in the USA, the United Kingdom or even in Israel. Dubbed Eris, it was listed as one of the sub-variants to watch in July by theWorld Health Organization. This one would be more contagious than the previous ones, because it is “more advantaged from the point of view of transmission and it is also from the point of view of immune escape”says epidemiologist Mircea Sofonea in an article in the Parisian.
In fact, over the months, the protective effects of vaccination diminish and the population is less well protected against the virus. But, this specialist also specifies that the summer context is “conducive to the spread of the virus, with events of great promiscuity such as the Bayonne Festival or festivals”. Finally, the decrease in respect for barrier gestures contributes to the weakest protection against the virus.
Should we be worried about the multiplication of Covid-19 cases?
However, several specialists want to be reassuring in the face of the increase in contamination. “We were testing less, so it felt less like he was there, but he was probably always latent.”says Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor, in an interview with France 2.
This recent increase should push us to resume some good habits. “I believe that we should not panic, but arrive at common sense measureshe develops. We are going to live the four seasons with these barrier gestures of common sense: we ventilate, we wash our hands, we sneeze in our elbow. And if we are sick, we wear a mask!