95% efficiency for the Sputnik V vaccine
The Russian authorities announced this Tuesday, November 24, 2020 that the Sputnik V vaccine against Covid-19, developed by the Gamaleïa research center in Moscow, would be 95% effective. As a reminder, the Sputnik V vaccine is a “viral vector” vaccine given in two injections. The vaccine contains two transformed adenoviruses which, when they enter the cells of vaccinated individuals “ will make a protein typical of Sars-CoV-2, thus teaching their immune system to recognize and fight it As explained by the Gamaleïa research center.
The announcement of the 95% efficacy of the vaccine follows preliminary results obtained on volunteers 42 days after the injection of the first dose as indicated in a press release, the Gamaleïa research center and the Russian ministry of Health and the Russian Sovereign Fund. However, no modalities relating to clinical trials were mentioned.
Russian authorities have not yet specified the modalities of clinical trials
At present, the Sputnik V vaccine is in phase 3 of double-blind randomized clinical trials involving 40,000 volunteers. The trials are also taking place in other countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Belarus. If the Russian Ministry of Health and the Russian Sovereign Fund and the creators of the vaccine have announced 95% effectiveness for their vaccine, they have not yet mentioned the number of cases used to obtain these results. This is why they announced last Tuesday that they would be ” soon to be published in one of the world’s leading medical journals and peer-reviewed “.
A vaccine for less than $ 10 a dose and free for Russian citizens
In a separate statement, the Russian Sovereign Fund announced that “ the price of a dose of Sputnik V for the international market will be less than 10 dollars “. He also clarified that vaccination for Russian citizens would be free. Finally, it is also known that the Sputnik V vaccine can be stored at temperatures ranging from 2 to 8 ° C.