While the influenza epidemic progresses in the country, Public Health France publishes an investigation into the reasons that push the elderly, however more vulnerable, not to be vaccinated.
- “Overall, the oldest people vaccine rather well against flu.” But the “young seniors”, those who have just passed the 65 year old mark, are much less assiduous. “Maybe they don’t think about it.”
- Contrary to popular belief, few non-vaccinated people say they are firmly opposed to the vaccine: they represent only 6 %. Most invoke various reasons: lack of time, lack of envy, impression that vaccination is useless, or fear of side effects.
- To encourage more seniors to be vaccinated, it is necessary to remember that the vaccine is free and easily accessible, especially in rural areas where vaccination coverage is lower, according to Public Health France.
While the flu continues to rage this winter and The vaccination campaign was extended until February 28the figures worry: only 41 % of people aged 65 and over were vaccinated in late November. A coverage deemed insufficient in the face of an epidemic which touches this age group hard, with marked excess mortality, according to the authorities. But why do the seniors hesitate to get vaccinated? A France public health survey, carried out in 2021 but unveiled this Tuesday, January 28 and relayed in particular by France Infolifts the veil on their reasons.
Who is vaccinated?
According to the study, the profiles of vaccinated people have well -defined characteristics. Men and the inhabitants of major cities, especially those living in Normandy and Brittany, are more likely to be vaccinated, as are people as a couple or suffering from chronic diseases. Education and socio-economic status also play an important role: the easier and graduate individuals, the more they protect themselves.
“Overall, the oldest people vaccine rather well against flu”Note Sophie Vaux, epidemiologist at Public Health France. But, intriguing, the “Young Seniors”that is to say those who have just passed the 65 year old mark, are much less assiduous. “Maybe they don’t think about it.”
Multiple reasons to avoid the bite
Contrary to popular belief, few non-vaccinated people say they are firmly opposed to the vaccine: they represent only 6 %. Most invoke various reasons: lack of time, lack of envy or impression that vaccination is useless. The inhabitants of small towns, for example, often think that an isolated living environment protects them from the virus. Others believe that the vaccine offers insufficient protection or fear side effects, a fear expressed by 13 % of respondents.
The place of residence also influences behaviors. The inhabitants of the south of France and the West Indies, where the sun is generally more present, sometimes wrongly think they are less vulnerable to the flu. The virus also circulates in these regions, nevertheless recalls Sophie Vaux.
How to improve vaccination coverage?
To encourage more seniors to be vaccinated, awareness efforts are necessary. Remember that the vaccine is free and easily accessible is essential, especially in rural areas where vaccination coverage is lower. Health professionals, such as doctors and pharmacists, also have a crucial role to play in convincing the undecided, concludes Public Health France.