Just like Martinique which has been confined since last night, Guadeloupe will in turn be completely confined from this Friday, August 13, 2021 as announced by the Minister of Overseas Territories, Sébastien Lecornu who declared that the rates of incidence of these overseas territories reached record levels never recorded in all French territories.
Incidence rates never recorded since the start of the pandemic
With 1,850 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Guadeloupe and more than 1,100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Martinique, the incidence rates have reached levels “that we have never known and never recorded in all the territories of the Republic since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic ”. This was announced by the Minister of Overseas Territories, Sébastien Lecornu upon his arrival in Guadeloupe on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. The Minister also announced that “ the number of deaths each day marks the severity and violence of this wave ” and ” the Delta variant was spreading at breakneck speed “. To cope with this situation, more than 270 caregivers and 60 metropolitan firefighters arrived overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday to reinforce the overwhelmed hospital staff in Martinique and Guadeloupe.
Tourists invited from Martinique
Ten days after a first turn of the screw, the prefecture of Martinique is implementing a tightening of health measures since since Tuesday, August 10, stricter confinement has come into force. ” We are going to enter a second phase of containment. Shops will be closed, except food shops and pharmacies “, Explained the prefect of the West Indian department, Stanislas Cazelles. Travel is limited between 5 a.m. and 7 p.m. within a radius of one kilometer around the home against 10 kilometers previously. Tourists have also been invited to leave the region in order to allow hotel rooms and seasonal rentals to be released to accommodate caregivers sent as reinforcements from France. On this subject, the prefect of the West Indian department specified that “ it is not an expulsion from the territory ” corn “ an invitation to leave him because they are not safe “. He also added that “ airlines are notified and mobilized ” and “ it will take several days “.
New strict confinement for Guadeloupe
After Martinique, it is Guadeloupe’s turn to be confined again. A curfew had already been put in place for a week but faced with the multiplication of cases of Covid-19, the Minister of Overseas France announced a tightening of the conditions of confinement. He thus declared: ” This confinement, unfortunately we will have to tighten it because we need to slow down the epidemic even faster. “. To which he added: ” This confinement becomes absolutely essential to allow healthcare establishments to come to terms with the massive arrival, massive day and night, of patients as we can see at the CHU. “.