From this Thursday, February 25, the vaccination campaign opens in the company. Only employees aged 50 to 64 with co-morbidities can, if they wish, be vaccinated against Covid-19 by an occupational doctor. Passeport Santé tells you more.
Opening of vaccination for 50 to 64 year olds in the workplace
From this Thursday, February 25, 2021, the vaccination campaign expands and invites itself into companies. Indeed, the Secretary of State in charge of pensions and occupational health has announced the launch of vaccination for employees aged 50 to 64 with co-morbidities. He thus declared: ” in accordance with the recommendations of February 2, 2021 of the High Authority for Health (HAS), it was decided that from February 25, 2021, after health and medico-social professionals, the AstraZeneca vaccine will be used in particular for vaccination people aged 50 to 64 inclusive with co-morbidities “.
The first vaccines will be delivered in the coming days and another delivery will follow from March 1. In the official text of the launch of vaccination in the workplace, it is specified that ” as with any act of vaccination, their intervention is carried out in strict compliance with the ethical rules related to the consent of persons, medical confidentiality and the confidentiality of vaccinations vis-à-vis the employer “. In other words, all the procedures relating to vaccination in the workplace will remain confidential.
Vaccine in the workplace: for whom and by whom?
Only employees aged 50 to 64 with co-morbidities (such as unstabilised diabetes or cardiovascular disease) will be able to receive, initially and if they wish, a first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine as part of their company. . As for the practitioners, it is the occupational physicians (in addition to the treating physicians) who may be requisitioned (in accordance with an order of February 2) in order to inject the doses of vaccine to the employees.
As for the procedures, it will be up to the occupational physicians and not the company, to approach a single affiliate pharmacy to order the doses of vaccine. The employer must “ communicate to all staff that vaccination is possible for people aged 50 to 64 with co-morbidities, but it (the company editor’s note) must not target the people concerned As the cabinet of Laurent Pietraszewski reminds us. If vaccination is not compulsory, the ministerial protocol provides for collecting the “ informed consent of the volunteer worker to be vaccinated “.