According to the British newspaper The Sun, a newborn is suffering from the coronavirus in London. At the same time, a study conducted in China reveals that the infants of four pregnant women with Covid-19 tested negative for the virus.
- A newborn whose mother is infected has tested positive for coronavirus in London
- Early studies of babies born in China during the epidemic show no cases of contamination
The world’s youngest coronavirus patient is believed to be in the UK, according to The Sun. Admitted for pneumonia in a London hospital a few days before giving birth, a woman was found to have Covid-19. A few minutes after being born, her baby was also tested: like her, he would be infected with the coronavirus.
The baby is still in the hospital
The medical team is now trying to determine if the infant was infected during birth or when he was in his mother’s womb. always according to The Sunthe newborn is still in hospital, while his mother has been moved to a facility specializing in infections.
“Staff in contact with the two patients have been advised to self-isolateindicates a log source. Health officials are urgently trying to uncover the circumstances of their infections.”
Four children born to mothers with COVID-19 tested negative
This news comes at the same time as the publication of the study Chinese “Children born to mothers with the new coronavirus” in the scientific journal Frontiers in Pediatrics. Conducted on four pregnant women who tested positive for COVID-19 in the city of Wuhan, China, where the disease was first identified, the analysis found that none of the babies had developed the symptoms associated with the coronavirus .
Three of them – the mother of the fourth child did not give permission for a sample to be taken – even tested negative for respiratory infection.
Further studies should be carried out
However, one neonate experienced minor breathing difficulty lasting three days, which was treated with noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Along with another of the four infants, he also suffered from a rash on his body, which disappeared on its own. According to the researchers, it is impossible to know if there was a connection between these two symptoms and COVID-19.
If, for the time being, scientists have found no proof of transmission from mother to child, the researchers put these results into perspective. “The reliability of diagnostic tests should be further assessed, especially in childrenthey write. Another limitation of this report was the small number of cases. Further studies on viral infection in placenta, amniotic fluid, neonatal blood and gastric juice will be conducted in the future..”